About The Device:

Through the mastery of sacred geometry, art, science, photochromatic, binaural

sounds, and natural resources such as crystals, Ashra Element has created a one-of-a-

kind energetic frequency device. The device is used as a conduit for elevating one’s

frequency, cleansing auras, unblocking specific chakras, and processing inner healing.

It allows individuals to connect to deeper levels of concentrated meditation. Each

device follows the same fundamental principles, yet; it can also be custom-made to suit

the specific intentions of the owner’s purpose and vision.

The Creator:

Junior Llanos is an artisan with over 15 years of creating custom art pieces. His artistry

expands from sculptures, graphic design, and abstract canvas paintings to name a few.

Through his passion for art, he was intuitively directed to the study of ancient


He began discovering and learning topics on sacred geometry, sound and light healing,

and the unique properties of natural resources such as rocks and crystals. Inspired, he

began to craft together the Energy Frequency Device. He followed many of the

principles he had discovered and integrated those same fundamental concepts to the

device. His purpose and intentions for this new technology are to help the collective

consciousness to obtain and resonate with the earth’s new frequency.

Ashra Element is a company focused on the art of healing. The company’s mission is to
assist in elevating consciousness on an individual level as well as on a global capacity.
We intend to help humanity reach a more awakened state of being by guiding
individuals to obtain higher levels of enlightenment through induced meditation. We use
a unique Light and Frequency Therapy method that helps individuals gain a deeper
level of self-awareness.